
Wyświetlanie postów z wrzesień, 2020
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Foreshadowing in „Tales from Meekhanese Border”

First time we read for the action, and the second one? The reasons are different. One of them, in addition to lots of free time, is foreshadowing. This is the author’s tricky attempt to innocently signal future catastrophes and epic events that the reader missed, absorbed in reading. What examples of foreshadowing can we find in „Tales from the Meekhanese Border”? The Rat’s Den will present the results of the investigation, trying to pinpoint the main suspect Robert M. Wegner, present at the lecture. 5:47 we suggest turning on the subtitles because an error occurred on the slide Registered on 27/04/2019 during Pyrkon. Thank you for the invaluable Delaa Fargis for equipment and making everything heard. The lecture is led by Imperium Meekhańskie. Polish subtitles by Dominika Mya,  English subtitles by AliceM

X Rocznica wydania II tomu opowiadań

We wrześniu tego roku mija 10 lat od premiery „Opowieści z meekhańskiego pogranicza. Wschód – Zachód”! Gratulujemy Robertowi M. Wegnerowi dorobku i życzymy nieustającej weny przy tworzeniu kolejnych literackich perełek! Poniżej filmik nagrany przez fanów dla Roberta z okazji premiery KMM: